Natural Swaps for Kids Allergies

I’ve talked to so many parents who’s kiddos are on daily antihistamines. No shade mama, you’re doing your best ❤️ BUT there are other awesome options to consider.

Allergies happen when your child’s immune system mistakenly treats normally harmless substances as ‘harmful’. your child’s immune system overreacts to the allergen by making allergic antibodies (IgE). The immune system then releases histamine and other chemicals that cause symptoms.

Common airway allergens include:

  • dust mites (in carpets, bedding and upholstery)

  • pollens from trees, grasses

  • animals such as cats and dogs

  • moulds, which thrive in warm, dark, moist places, such as bathrooms, basements and outdoors in compost heaps

addressing lifestyle and root cause

For symptom relief eating a low-histamine diet and limiting high-histamine foods, such as fermented foods, aged cheeses and processed meats can help. BUT addressing the gut and a focus on cultivation of a diverse microbiome is essential.

The bowel is the headquarters of our immune defence.

If the bowel is impaired, this can alter our immune response and promote the occurrence of allergies (PMC8083053). Look at limiting overuse of antibiotics, increasing fibre and eating a Vit C, Quercetin rich diet daily.

natural remedies for kids allergies

  • Use essential oils: Chamomile and lavender may have anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties. Peppermint and lemon for clearing congestion.

  • Remove synthetic fragrances: These can trigger respiratory, nose and eye symptoms, much like that of seasonal allergy symptoms.

  • Manage stress: Stress triggers the release of histamine and can worsen allergy symptoms and allergic reactions.

  • Vacuum with a HEPA filter to remove dust and dust mites, wet dust weekly.

  • Consider a dehumidifier in more humid and damp climates and keep mould and fungi at bay.


allergy swaps for kids

ginger extract is as good as loratadine

The ginger extract is as good as loratadine in improving nasal symptoms and quality of life in allergic rhinitis patients. However, ginger extract caused less side effects especially drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness and constipation. Therefore, the ginger extract could be used as an alternative treatment for patients with AR.

natural swaps for kids allergies


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