Low Tox Rice Cookers

Hey there, rice lovers! Rice cookers has been something I’ve been asked to post on for a long time. Rice cookers are convenient and low fuss. They’re the unsung heroes of our kitchens, making dinner prep so much easier and hassle-free. But here’s the catch — most brands of rice cookers have some type of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances), even if they claim to be “PFOA-free.”

why is this an issue?

“Non-stick” is typically. referring to food contact surfaces that have been coated with perfluroinated chemicals. These synnthetic chemicals mean easier, no-mess food preparation, BUT come at a cost. PFAS chemicals are linked to health problems such as a reduction in immunity, issues with reproduction, increased allergies and asthma in young children (PMC34712855), metabolic diseases like obesity and diabetes, disruption in thyroid function, and cancers (PMB33385391).

❌ Older non-stick coatings/or unregulated manufacturers use PFOA which is associated with:
👉 Increased risk of cancer (kidney, testicular).
👉 Thyroid dysfunction.
👉 Elevated cholesterol levels.
👉 Immune system suppression.

❌ PFOA or similar chemicals, are part of a class of “forever chemicals” known as per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). PFAS exposure has been linked to:
👉 Developmental delays in children.
👉 Immune system suppression.
👉 Increased risk of certain cancers.

❌ Some non-stick coatings are linked to chemicals that act as endocrine disruptors, which interfere with hormone regulation. This disruption can affect:
👉 Reproductive health.
👉 Developmental processes.
👉 Metabolic functions.

❌ Then there’s the leaching. When non-stick coatings are scratched or worn, particles of the coating and potentially harmful chemicals underneath (e.g., aluminium) may leach into food. Small amounts of PTFE flakes can enter food, and a single scratch can leach 9,000 microplastic chemicals into food!

what about ceramic coatings?

Ceramic non-stick coatings are typically made of nanoparticles, which are not well studied. Titanium dioxide nanoparticles, for example, have been linked to precancerous gut lesions as well as immune disruption (PMC37068726).

Ceramic coatings can often have aluminum underneath to help with heat dispersion and the coatings scratch easily (often in the first year of use),creating the potential for aluminum (considered to be a neurotoxin) to then come in contact with your food.

what to look for when buying a rice cooker

Look for stainless steel inserts with glass or stainless steel lids. Another good choice is 100% ceramic (NOT ceramic coated!). Approved brands include Kakomi, Vitaclay, Kylin & Xtrema.

avoid and buy

wait, do this…

You don’t have to toss your trusty rice cooker just because its insert is non-stick. Nope! You can just replace the bowl and simply swap it out for a stainless steel insert — for as little as $19 online! This little upgrade can completely change your cooking game without breaking the bank or adding to the landfill.

*Remember to measure dimensions with your current non stick bowl!

304 stainless steel replacements

I will caveat this by saying that I much prefer to shop from local brands doing great things than support massive companies like the ones linked here currently. However, this purchase might mean you can continue to use an appliance you'd otherwise throw away, saving the landfill AND promoting your health in the process, so for this I make an exception.

I hope this little tip helps you elevate your cooking experience as much as it has for me. Happy cooking!


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