Supporting the Body After Anaesthetic and Surgery
Surgery is a needed (and sometimes life-saving) intervention and often a step towards improved health and well-being. While surgical procedures can save lives, it’s important to recognise that general anaesthesia can take a toll on our bodies. Many people aren't aware that it can deplete certain micronutrients and affect nutrient metabolism, cause oxidative stress, inhibition of mitochondrial function, impact our liver, temporarily slow gut motility and disrupt the microbiome.
Why consider proactive support post surgery
Surgery is life saving and can be a really important part of a healing journey. With surgery comes the use of anaesthetic medications and often contrast dyes from imaging.
While completely necessary, anaesthesia can deplete certain micronutrients (specifically Vit C, B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, iron, Vit D and glutathione) and impair the body’s ability to utilise them effectively due to the stress it places on the body during and after surgery. These nutrient depletions may be caused by factors like oxidative stress, impaired detoxification pathways, or inflammation.
It can take up to a week for the body to completely eliminate the medications used during anaesthesia, but there are ways to support this process and help your recovery from anaesthesia more quickly. Supporting the body to detoxify involves strategies to assist the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic systems in processing and eliminating toxins, while also supplementing the nutrient depletion (which can actually be partially responsible for any negative side effects people experience). Let’s dive in.
stay hydrated
hydration supports kidney function, which is essential for flushing out toxins. Focus on electrolyte-rich fluids like coconut water or herbal teas.
increase fiber intake
fibre binds to toxins in the digestive tract and aids. their elimination. It also helps with post surgery constipation! Add in ground flaxseeds, chia seeds, and psyllium husk, also include whole grains, legumes, and fresh vegetables.
support liver function
The liver is the primary organ responsible for processing and breaking down anaesthetics.
Foods to include:
Cruciferous vegetables to boost liver detox enzymes.
Beetroot and carrots for their liver-supporting antioxidants.
Garlic and onions for sulfur compounds that aid detoxification.
Supplements to consider:
Milk thistle (silymarin): supports liver regeneration and detoxification.
N-acetylcysteine (NAC): promotes glutathione production, a powerful antioxidant.
Tumeric/cucurmin: reduces inflammation (natural pain reliever) and enhances liver function.
promote lymphatic drainage
The lymphatic system helps remove cellular waste and toxins.
Practice dry brushing: use a natural bristle brush to stimulate lymphatic flow before bathing.
Gentle movement: walking, yoga, or light stretching.
Lymphatic massage or self-massage.
support kidney function
The kidneys filter toxins from the blood. incorporate herbal teas like dandelion root, nettle leaf, or parsley tea and hydrating fruits like watermelon and cucumber.
replenish beneficial gut bacteria
Anesthesia can disrupt gut microbiota, which plays a role in detoxification. Eat probiotic-ruch foods like yogurt, kefit, sauerkraut, kimchi, and miso. Take a high-quality probiotic supplement.
sweat it out!
Sweating eliminates toxins through the skin. Use an infrared sauna (if cleared by your provider). Take warm baths with epsom salts to relax muscles and promote detoxification.
deep breathing
Sounds crazy but oxygen supports cellular repair and detoxification. Practice diaphragmatic breathing for 5-10 minutes daily. Google ‘box breathing’.
get enough REST!
Sleep is essential for the body’s natural repair. and detox processes. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night. Create a calming bedtime routing to support recovery including essential oils to promote emotional calm.
Chlorella or spirulina: Bind to heavy metals and support overall detoxification.
Cilantro: Help mobilise toxins for elimination.
Ginger and peppermint tea: Reduce nausea and support digestive detox pathways.
Vit C: Surgery increases oxidative stress, which consumes antioxidants like vitamin C. Vit C supports the immune system, tissue repair, and collagen synthesis.
B Vitamins: Anaesthesia and stress increase the demand for B vitamins, which are crucial for energy metabolism and nervous system health.
Magnesium: Stress from surgery increases the loss of magnesium through urine. Plays an important role in calming the nervous system and relaxing muscles post-anaesthesia.
Arnica: post-surgical bruising, swellling, and trauma.
Staphysagria (Stavesacre): Healing after surgical incisions or lacerations.
Gelsemium: Intense fear, nervousness, anticipatory anxiety.
Bellis Perennis: Deep tissue trauma or abdominal surgery.
Arsenicum Album: Anxiety or restlessness before or after surgery.
essential oils
Essential oils can support the body’s natural detoxification processes by stimulating the lymphatic system, aiding digestions, and promoting relaxation.
Lemon: Supports liver detoxification. Acts as a natural diuretic, promoting kidney function and toxin elimination.
Grapefruit: Stimulates the lymphatic system to flush out toxins.
Ginger: Stimulates circulation and digestion. Reduces inflammation and supports liver health.
In Summary
There are proactive steps you can take to support your body during the recovery process, and understanding the impact of anaesthesia on your body can empower you to make informed choices.
As you prepare for surgery or support someone who is about to undergo this life-changing experience, remember that there are resources available to help you navigate this journey with confidence.
Unsure where to start or what specific supplements might be beneficial for your situation? Below are some supplement recommendations with discount codes.
RECOMMENDED BIOAVAILABLE and third party tested, heavy metal free, supplements:
Harker Herbals Gut Biome Balance Probiotic and Vit C Syrup (nicky20 for 20% off)
Synergy Natural Organic Chlorella Powder from The Jivita Way (nourished15 for $15 off orders over $130)
Be Pure Wellness Magnesium Restore and B Vit Energy Restore (nourished15 for 15% off storewide)
Dual Capsule Turmeric and Ice Blue Polyphenols for natural anti-inflammatory support from doTERRA (DM for 25% off link or click here to get started).
Complete homeopathic first aid kit from @thathomeopath (nicky10 for 10% off)
Pharmaceutical therapeutic grade essential oils that are 100% pure and will get you the results you want (safe for kids), DM for 25% off a natural first aid kit or click here to get started.